Daily Menu, December 14, 2022

Daily Menu, December 14, 2022

It is time to go. Our hitch is over. When we came in Tuesday it was blowing hard. There were 3 or 4 meter seas going out of the harbour as we passed Chebucto Head. That isn’t too bad coming from the ocean, but coming 

Daily menu, December 13, 2022

Daily menu, December 13, 2022

If things go according to plans we will be tied up at BIO before noon. Time to get everything together, pack up and get ready to go. I haven’t gone outside in days, people tell me it got cold, I am not sure if I 

Daily Menu, December 12

Daily Menu, December 12

The weather is staying grey and windy. It will be soon time to start moving crew change is Wednesday at BIO (Bedford Institute of Oceanography). Seven days from now I am scheduled for a medical, that will determine my fate as far as work goes. 

Daily Menu, December 11, 2022

Daily Menu, December 11, 2022

Fourteen days until Christmas and only three until crew change. For now we are still sitting in Shelburne. It is still blowing hard, so this is a good place to be. Lunch Potato Leek Soup Choice of Salads Roast Turkey Beef Fajitas Mashed Potatoes Peas 

Daily Menu, December 10, 2022

Daily Menu, December 10, 2022

The visibility is a bit better than yesterday. We are back at anchor in Shelburne. It was a bit rough on the way to the rescue and back. We made to the anchorage sometime before noon. Lunch Red Lentil Soup Choice of Salads Beef Sliders 

Daily Menu, December 9, 2022

Daily Menu, December 9, 2022

Some days it is amazing sunrises and beautiful sunsets, other days is is just fog so thick you can’t see the length of the ship. We spent Thursday on a SAR call. No drama. just a pickup and tow. Lunch Vegetable Beef Soup Choice of 

Daily Menu, December 8, 2022

Daily Menu, December 8, 2022

Another day closer to going home, another day closer to retirement. Some people have asked me if I will leave the site up once I retire. The answer is yes, I will be leaving it up for a couple years. It is turning into the 

Daily Menu, December 7, 2022

Daily Menu, December 7, 2022

We are back at anchor in Shelburne Harbour. Just 7 days left, it is time to start considering our exit, then home for the Christmas season Lunch Tomato Chipotle Soup Choice of Salads Jerk Chicken Honey Garlic Ribs Mashed Potatoes Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Dinner 

Daily Menu, December 6, 2022

Daily Menu, December 6, 2022

We are somewhere south of Cape Sable, just jogging along on Search and Rescue standby. The weather is good and the seas have subsided. I have started to realize that I will miss being at sea, but that will not change my mind about retiring. 

Daily Menu, December 5, 2022

Daily Menu, December 5, 2022

We left the dock mid day Sunday. Once we left the harbour we started to roll a bit. It was a slow lazy roll, so it was fairly comfortable. We are down to 9 more wakeups, time to start planning our exit for this year. 

Daily Menu, December 4, 2022

Daily Menu, December 4, 2022

We are still tied up in Shelburne. That is a good thing, it blew very hard Saturday. Probably 60 or 70 kilometers an hour. I have no idea what our plan is tomorrow, but we only have 10 more days left, the it will not 

Daily Menu, December 3, 2022

Daily Menu, December 3, 2022

We tied up Friday and took provisions. The weather is supposed to be bad for the next few days, so we will stay put unless we are called upon to help out. Lunch Shrimp Gumbo Choice of Salads Chicken Wing with Choice of Sauces Sausage 

Daily Menu, December 2, 2022

Daily Menu, December 2, 2022

We are still at anchor, which is a good thing, it blew hard yesterday, so we were glad we didn’t have to go anywhere. We may tie up today to get provisions, but, we won’t be staying. Lunch Spicy Thai Chicken Soup Choice of Salads 

Daily Menu, December 1, 2022

Daily Menu, December 1, 2022

The calendar has turned the page. We are now into December. That means I have less then 2 weeks left on the Jean Goodwill this month and Christmas is rushing towards us. We are sitting at anchor at the moment, but with the lobster season 

Daily Menu, November 30, 2022

Daily Menu, November 30, 2022

We have reached the halfway point, time has been going quickly so far. The weather has been good (except when it is not). Lunch Fish Chowder Choice of Salads Sweet and Sour Chicken Char Siu Pork Belly Fried Rice Fried Wontons Stir Fried Vegetables Dinner 

Daily Menu, November 28, 2022

Daily Menu, November 28, 2022

Another Sunday in the books and another week started. Sunday was a much nicer day. The morning was beautiful with not a ripple on the water. It stayed nice all day. Being at anchor makes for an uneventful day, which is not a bad thing. 

Daily Menu, November 27, 2022

Daily Menu, November 27, 2022

Yesterday was a good day to be at anchor in a sheltered place. There were 2 to 3 foot waves in the harbour, so it is a fair bet that it was a bit rough out on the open ocean. Lunch Cock-a-Leekie Soup Choice of 

Daily Menu, November 26, 2022

Daily Menu, November 26, 2022

Another day in, we went for a sail then we went somewhere to anchor. I heard the hook drop, but I am not sure where, and I don’t have the ambition or the need to leave my cabin to find out where we are. It 

Daily Menu, November 25, 2022

Daily Menu, November 25, 2022

Second fish Friday of the trip. Not many left for me The end is in sight, only 10 more Fridays at work until I walk off the ship for the last time. Until then, I will do what I do. I only know one way 

Daily Menu, November 24, 2022

Daily Menu, November 24, 2022

So much for staying at anchor. I just got finished doing yesterdays post, and the anchor started being hauled. We went to pick up a sailboat and escorted it to Halifax. Everything went safely, and we dropped them off at the mouth of Halifax Harbour. 

Daily Menu, November 22, 2022

Daily Menu, November 22, 2022

Yesterday was another day sitting on the hook. It is better here than being at sea beating about for no reason. The wind is forecasted to come up, so it is better to stay where we are. Lunch Ginger Squash Soup Choice of Salads and 

Daily Menu, November 21

Daily Menu, November 21

We spent Sunday at anchor in Shelburne Harbour. It is pretty quiet here. Not much on the go, except for a few fishing boats and the boats tending the fish cages. Lunch Ham and Pea Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Pan Fried Halibut with 

Daily Menu, November 20

Daily Menu, November 20

We made our way slowly down the coast to Shelburne. We are currently sitting at anchor. We will probably stay here until we are needed. Lunch. Beef Barley Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Baked Ham Garlic Shrimp Scalloped Potatoes Fettuccini Butternut Squash Dinner Beef 

Daily Menu, November 19, 2022

Daily Menu, November 19, 2022

After a day of trials and tests in Bedford Basin, we have left the harbour. We are slowly making our way south to stand by for the start of lobster season. Hopefully the weather is fine and the fishers have a safe drop day. One 

Daily Menu, November 18

Daily Menu, November 18

It is Friday, which, for my menu means Fish and Chips. For dinner we have buffalo style wings, These will be tossed in Hooters Sauce. That is a combination of hot sauce and butter The most recent rumor is that we will be sailing soon. 

Daily Menu, November 17, 2022

Daily Menu, November 17, 2022

Finally back at it for another hitch. It rained a bit last night, I had to go move my car and got soaked through. Luckily it was fairly warm (for this time of the year). Lunch Chicken Rice Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Slow 

Daily Menu, August 17, 2022

Daily Menu, August 17, 2022

Just 7 more days to go. Another day of trails, then refuel and head to sea. That is the plan as it stands now. It doesn’t matter next week we will be heading home. Lunch Corn Chowder Choice of Salads and Crudité Roast Pork Fish 

Daily Menu, August 16, 2022

Daily Menu, August 16, 2022

We went for a little day sail yesterday, and will do the same today. The biggest difference as far as I am concerned is today we will not have an extra dozen people for lunch Lunch Curry Lentil Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Chicken 

Daily Menu, August 14, 2022

Daily Menu, August 14, 2022

I fell asleep early last night and did not get this finished. It looks like a damp day out there today. A good day to be inside. Lunch Vegetable Barley Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Roast Chicken Penne Carbonnara Mashed Potatoes Dressing Gravy Dinner 

Daily Menu, August 15, 2022

Daily Menu, August 15, 2022

The hitch is starting wear down, nine more wake-ups left if this trip. Our refit is finished, rumor has we will let go the lines today to test systems and see how things work. On the menu today we have jambalaya. We were able to 

Daily Menu, August 13, 2022

Daily Menu, August 13, 2022

It is getting to the point in the hitch where I am starting to plan my off time. I will be taking the next trip off to prepare the meal for my niece Simone’s wedding. There will also be time spent on the golf course 

Daily Menu 12, 2022

Daily Menu 12, 2022

They opened the hatch in our storeroom today. That created a nice airflow, that, added to lower temperatures, cooled the galley nicely. Another fish Friday to be counted, every one brings me one closer to retirement. At this time I have have about a year 

Daily Menu, August 11, 2022

Daily Menu, August 11, 2022

We have had a bit of activity around the base the last few days. The Molly Kool was here for a couple days, then Alfred Needler came in, the Teleost, and the John Cabot tied up. Finally the G Peddle came in. Lunch Pot sticker 

Daily Menu, August 10, 2022

Daily Menu, August 10, 2022

We have reach the halfway point of the hitch. For the next few days we will be feeding the crew of the CCGS Peddle. They only have a small crew, so it will not be much extra work Lunch Fish Chowder Choice of Salads and 

Daily Menu, August 9, 2022

Daily Menu, August 9, 2022

Yesterday was another day of high humidity, but at least the temperature was a bit better. It was only 85F to 90F. That is much better than the previous few days. Lunch Tomato Tortellini Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Panko Crusted Cod Perogies with 

Daily Menu, August 8, 2022

Daily Menu, August 8, 2022

Yesterday was another warm one. The forecast looks a bit cooler for the next few days. Our menu for lunch today is an assortment of chinese style dishes, (Restaurant chinese). I cannot do real chinese, I have not had enough exposure to it, to recreate 

Daily Menu, August 7, 2022

Daily Menu, August 7, 2022

It was another hot day in the galley. It would be nice to finally get away from the dock to get some cooler air. Rumor has it, we will be doing sea trails next week. Lunch Carrot Ginger Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Beef 

Daily Menu, August 7, 2022

Daily Menu, August 7, 2022

That was quite the light show last evening. I haven’t seen that many lightening strikes since I worked in the Gulf of Mexico. Lunch Tomato Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Southern Fried Chicken Pan Seared Rainbow Trout Mashed Potatoes Green Peas Gravy Dinner Tomato 

Daily Menu, August 5, 2022

Daily Menu, August 5, 2022

We are fully staffed once again. That should mean I can get a bit more rest in the next few days. This being a Friday, means this is fish day. Also on the menu is a Cuban Sandwich. A Cuban sandwich originates in Florida, probably 

Daily Menu, August 4, 2022

Daily Menu, August 4, 2022

We got word that the second cook will be back with us late today, that will lighten the work load. After a week, I am almost back up to speed, but I am too old to keep it up for long. The forecast is for 

Daily Menu, August 3, 2022

Daily Menu, August 3, 2022

I am a bit late with this, I fell asleep before I management to post it. The heat and humidity has been brutal in the galley this week. It saps the energy out of an old body. Lunch Ham and Pea Soup Choice of Salads 

Daily Menu, August 2, 2022.

Daily Menu, August 2, 2022.

First Tuesday of the hitch, that means the last day of the first week. Monday was a much better, the day before I had a case of gout and my foot was hurting. About 10 o’clock my foot starting feeling better, when I woke Monday, 

Daily Menu, August 1, 2022

Daily Menu, August 1, 2022

Another day shorthanded, I may be starting to think I am too old for this. Things are going well all things considered. I am lucky to have a very helpful steward with me. Lunch Tomato Florentine Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Roast Pork Pad 

Daily Menu, July 31

Daily Menu, July 31

There is not much happening, we are getting the ship ready for the official dedication August 25th. Until then, we stay here making the ship look pretty. Lunch Seafood Chowder Choice of Salads and Crudité Baked Ham Honey Garlic Chicken Wings Macaroni and Cheese Beef 

Daily Menu, July 30

Daily Menu, July 30

Another day, I am still short a cook, it doesn’t really make a big difference. It just means I have to keep my head down and concentrate. Lunch Beef Barley Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Curry Chicken Pork Chops Chana Saag (chickpeas and spinach) 

Daily Menu, July 29

Daily Menu, July 29

The first fish Friday of the hitch. It looks like I am going to be short-handed for a few days. The baker went to the CCGS Earl Grey to cover for a few days. I guess that means no lollygagging for the next week. Lunch 

Daily Menu, July 28

Daily Menu, July 28

I am back. We are ready for another 28 days. The weather was good while we were off and I did not really want to come back. Lunch Curry Sweet Potato Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Slow Roasted Beef Striploin Sausage and Feta Tortellini 

Daily Menu, June 28, 2022

Daily Menu, June 28, 2022

The last full day. Time to finish cleaning, tidy up and get ready to leave Wednesday morning. The next 28 days, I hope to get a lot of golf in. I am really looking forward to not getting up at 4 am Lunch Potato Leek 

Daily Menu, June 27, 2022

Daily Menu, June 27, 2022

Some days you see nothing but fog out of the porthole, other days you see a sternwheel ship go by. The days are getting short, just 2 more mornings before we head for home. Lunch Curry Sweet Potato Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Beef 

Daily Menu, June 26, 2022

Daily Menu, June 26, 2022

Sunday. The last one this month. The weather is turning nice, so I am hoping to get to the golf course quite a bit over the next month. We just have to get to Wednesday, then we are free for another 28 days Lunch Mushroom 

Daily Menu, June 25, 2022

Daily Menu, June 25, 2022

Some days there is not much to see out the porthole. Friday was one of those days. Fog and rain all day. We are into our last weekend, once again it is time to start deep cleaning to prepare for the next crew to come 

Daily Menu, June 24, 2022

Daily Menu, June 24, 2022

Yesterday, we had people in to perform maintenance on the exhaust hood. That threw off my timing a bit, so the Chicken Rendang did not get made. Therefore, we are having rendang today. One of the items we are serving for lunch is the Lancashire 

Daily Menu, June 22, 2022

Daily Menu, June 22, 2022

The weather was a bit strange Tuesday, if you looked toward the mouth of the harbor, the weather was cloudy, but clearing in the evening. If you looked down the basin toward Bedford, it was dark and foggy with dark angry looking clouds (when you 

Daily Menu, June 21, 2022

Daily Menu, June 21, 2022

Another day alongside. We have a few favorite on the menu today. The Char Siu Pork is one of my favorites, Chicken fried steak is always popular (even though there will be confused people when they find out that it is beef), and lasagna is 

Daily Menu, June 20, 2022

Daily Menu, June 20, 2022

Monday. That means we are down to single digits, nine more wake-ups left this hitch. Lunch Chicken leek Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Baked Ham Pan Fried Cod. Macaroni and Cheese Creamed Corn Dinner Chicken leek Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Beef Tapa 

Daily Menu, June 19, 2022

Daily Menu, June 19, 2022

Happy Fathers Day to all Fathers. There is not much to tell about our day to day, scheduled maintenance is happening all over the ship, and will continue for a while. Lunch Butternut Squash Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin Grilled 

Daily Menu, June 18, 2022

Daily Menu, June 18, 2022

Another weekend is here for those of you who don’t have to work. Lunch Spicy Thai Chicken Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Maple Glazed Salmon Beef Fajitas Sweet Potato Fries Steamed Whole Potatoes Broccoli Spears Dinner Spicy Thai Chicken Soup Choice of Salads and 

Daily Menu, June 17, 2022

Daily Menu, June 17, 2022

It is Friday again, that means it is fish and chip day for us. I try not to use the fryer, but sometimes it is necessary. It is quiet here, but the work is getting done on the ship. Lunch Fish Chowder Choice of Salads 

Daily Menu, June 16, 2022

Daily Menu, June 16, 2022

It was another nice day. The one good thing about being at the dock, is being able to go for a walk in the evening. Lunch Onion Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Beef Rendang Baked Chicken Potatoes Rice Green Peas Dinner Onion Soup Choice 

Daily Menu, June 15, 2022

Daily Menu, June 15, 2022

We have reached the mid point of the hitch. Two weeks remaining before I can get back to the golf course. The forecast is for fine weather, so I plan on doing steak on the BBQ for lunch. My friend Gord made it back after