Daily Menu, February 13, 2022

Daily Menu, February 13, 2022

This is our first Sunday of the hitch, we are settling into the routine and things are starting to smooth out. We have been to Halifax, got fuel, and now we are on Search and Rescue duty to the west of Halifax. Lunch Thai Chicken 

Daily Menu, February 12, 2022

Daily Menu, February 12, 2022

We have let go the lines and are proceeding to Halifax. The ocean is behaving, so we are sailing along smoothly. We are just in Halifax for a short time before we are back out to sea. We have a few favorites on todays menu, 

Daily Menu, February 11, 2022

Daily Menu, February 11, 2022

It is our first Friday. Friday is always Fish and Chip day for me. I try to stay away from the fryer, but battered fish on Friday is a standard feature of my menus. Although I accidently made homemade onion rings yesterday, I had craving, 

Daily Menu February 10, 2022

Daily Menu February 10, 2022

I am back on the Jean Goodwill for another hitch. It was good to have time off, but I am not quite ready for retirement yet. I haven’t been posting much lately, but I have not been cooking much either. We are currently sitting alongside 

Daily Menu, November 16th, 2021

Daily Menu, November 16th, 2021

The last full day this hitch. The Earl Grey is changing crews, so we are only providing sandwiches today. It is time to tidy up and get ready for the incoming crew. It rained most of the day, but there was a nice rainbow in 

Daily Menu, November 15, 2021

Daily Menu, November 15, 2021

This is the last day of hot meals for the CCGS Earl Grey. Tomorrow, they have a crew change, so This is the last day of hot meals for the CCGS Earl Grey. They crew change on Tuesday, so we will provide soup and a 

Daily Menu, November 14, 2021

Daily Menu, November 14, 2021

The last Sunday, for me, on the Jean Goodwill this year. Our time feeding the Earl Grey is coming to a close too. Monday will be our last hot lunch for them. Feeding them has kept me busy for the last month. LUNCH Vegetable Beef 

Daily Menu, November 13th, 2021

Daily Menu, November 13th, 2021

It is our last Saturday this hitch. It is getting to the stage of the trip where I sit down for a minute, and a chair nap happens. I think there is an off switch that I sit on. I am trying to wind down 

Daily Menu, November 12, 2021

Daily Menu, November 12, 2021

LUNCH Onion Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Breaded Codfish Chicken Shawarma Falafel Tabbouleh Fries Garlic Rice Diced Squash DINNER Onion Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Beef Rendang Chicken and Dumplings Boiled Baby Red Potatoes Rice Glazed Carrot Coins CCGS Earl Grey Onion Soup 

Daily Menu, November 11th, 2021

Daily Menu, November 11th, 2021

It is Remembrance Day. A day to pay respect to those that have served and fallen. We are into the no-mores now. Less than a week before we are home. Today, being Thursday it is one of the few meals that I do on a 

Daily Menu, November 10th, 2021

Daily Menu, November 10th, 2021

We are done to our final week. It has been busy, so the time moved along quickly. The weather has been great, so my porthole has been open almost every day. There has been sailboats on the water every day this week. We have one 

Daily Menu, November 9th, 2021

Daily Menu, November 9th, 2021

LUNCH Fish Chowder Choice of Salads and Crudité Roast Pork Grilled Salmon Mashed Potatoes Roast Turnips and Apples DINNER Fish Chowder Choice of Salads and Crudité Butter Chicken Swiss Steak Potato Wedges Jasmine Rice Mixed Vegetables CCGS Earl Grey Fish Chowder Salads Roast Pork Meat 

Daily Menu, November 8th, 2021

Daily Menu, November 8th, 2021

It was a beautiful day. I had my porthole open all day. Sailboats were out in the basin, and I saw a couple kayaks going by. On today’s menu we have breaded pork steak, which is the same as country fried pork steak, or pork 

Daily Menu November 7, 2021

Daily Menu November 7, 2021

The bad news was, as part of our scheduled maintenance program, we had no power yesterday. The good news is they got they finished early and we have power today. Because we were unsure of having power, we will not be feeding our neighbors on 

Daily Menu, November 5

Daily Menu, November 5

It is Friday, not that it matters here. The only day that really count are crew change days. The day we board is our Monday, and the day we leave is our Friday. Our weeks are 28 days long. Lunch Beef Barley Soup Choice of 

Daily Menu, November 4, 2021

Daily Menu, November 4, 2021

It is another day of just being tied up. We should be ready to go by the end of the hitch. Work seems to be proceeding close to on schedule. I am firing up the smoker to do a couple pork shoulders. They will become 

Daily Menu, November 3, 2021

Daily Menu, November 3, 2021

We made to the halfway point. It has been a good hitch so far. On today’s menu we have egg drop soup. This is a fairly simple soup, chicken stock flavored this ginger and garlic. Thicken slightly with corn starch, then slowly drizzle beaten eggs 

Daily Menu, November 2, 2021

Daily Menu, November 2, 2021

Another day and another day feeding our friends on the CCGS Earl Grey. Our lunch menus will diverge again tomorrow. I don’t have a problem putting together meal for 2 ships, but I have to pay attention to my timing. It makes for a busy 

Daily Menu, November 1, 2021

Daily Menu, November 1, 2021

It is the first day of November. The weather was windy and wet today, but it was still mild enough that there was a sailboat on the water today. On today’s menu our soup is Tom Kha. It is a Thai shrimp soup. Tom kha 

Daily Menu, October 31, 2021

Daily Menu, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween. I hope you are all nice to your spooks tonight. I will not be posting a separate menu for the Earl Grey today. They are getting the same menu as we are here on the Jean Goodwill. LUNCH Cock-a-Leekie Soup (chicken and Leek) 

Daily Menu, October 30

Daily Menu, October 30

The last Saturday of October. Looking out my porthole on Friday, there were sailboats out in the basin. This is late in the year to be seeing that. They should be hauled out of the the water by now. But, maybe that is just an 

Daily Menu, October 29

Daily Menu, October 29

It is almost November, the weather is staying mild so far. We can hope that that temperature stays above average for a few more months. It is Friday again that means fish and chips for lunch. It is one of the few deep fried meals 

Daily menu, October 28

Daily menu, October 28

The second week is starting. Being tied alongside means there is no change in scenery We are staying busy, as well as feeding our own crew, we are feeding the crew of the Earl Grey for lunch. Being busy just makes the time go quicker. 

Daily Menu, October 27

Daily Menu, October 27

One week in the books. Things are rolling along quite well. I will have to make Italian sausage meat for the pasta other than that it is just standard fare. LUNCH Pea Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité Roast Pork Rotini with Homemade Sausage and 

Daily Menu, October 26

Daily Menu, October 26

We have almost got a week put in this hitch. Our maintenance is going well, according to rumors we are on schedule. On our menu today for lunch, we have a Mediterranean meal for lunch that is usually popular when we run it. For dinner 

Daily Menu, October 25

Daily Menu, October 25

We have completed the routine maintenance on the the electrical systems, so we are back to our regular routine. Our meals today fall into the my category of old standards, except for the maple glazed smoked salmon. I will marinate the salmon for a couple 

Daily Menu, October 24

Daily Menu, October 24

This is a bit late for the daily menu, but I did not find out the I was going to have power in the galley until 0830 this morning. It made for a busy morning LUNCH Spicy Thai Chicken and Rice Soup Choice of Salads 

Daily Menu, October 22

Daily Menu, October 22

I am starting to get back in the swing of things. My menu is roughed in for the coming week and I have started to have ideas for the next one. I have a few different dietary needs to take into consideration. Among the things 

Daily Menu, October 21, 2021

Daily Menu, October 21, 2021

It looks like we have a couple weeks routine maintenance after the ship returned from the arctic. My view from my porthole will be towards Bedford Basin for now. Lunch Tomato and Pepper Soup Choice of Salads and Crudite Low and Slow Roasted Beef Striploin 

Daily Menu, July 28

Daily Menu, July 28

Crew change day. We should be off the ship by 11 AM, and on the plane by 2 PM. If all goes according to plan, arrival in Halifax is 6 PM local. I am taking the next hitch off, so the will not be any 

Daily Menu, July 27

Daily Menu, July 27

Our last full day (hopefully) for this hitch. Time to finish the final cleaning, pack our bags and get ready to go. The weather was nice once the fog burned away this morning. It got to 18 C this afternoon. I have been noticing the 

Daily Menu, July 26

Daily Menu, July 26

We are at anchor just off the new dock in Iqualuit. This hitch is growing to a close. We only have 2 days left, then we are back home. I will post some short movies of the scenery on the Facebook page. It was a 

Daily Menu, July 25

Daily Menu, July 25

We arrived in Iqualuit today. The scenery was magnificent. We sailed along the the Hudson strait , then up the bay toward Iqualuit. I took pictures, but they don’t do justice. Lunch Thai Chicken Rice Soup Choice of Salads and Crudite Roast Striploin Tortellini with 

Daily Menu, July 24

Daily Menu, July 24

We have weighed anchor and are headed toward Iqualuit. It should take a day or two to reach our destination. For lunch we have fresh Clams and chips to go with the coconut squash stew and a few other things. The schedule for crew change 

Daily Menu, July 23

Daily Menu, July 23

We are at anchor off Cape Dorset. Just waiting to be tasked with an escort job. The thing is, there is not much ice. From where we are sitting, we can not see any ice. There is none on the land that we can see 

Daily Menu, July 22

Daily Menu, July 22

We are in the area of Cape Dorset. Finally down to the last week. It has been a good trip, but there has not been much ice. Most of what we have seen is broken and melting. Almost nothing that would be considered pack ice 

Daily Menu, July 21

Daily Menu, July 21

We went for a sail today. We left the coast of northern Quebec and went north. We are now near Cape Dorset. We are in an area that has cell service and that means better internet signal. There was a walrus sighting earlier, but not 

Daily Menu, July 20

Daily Menu, July 20

We are now at anchor, it is a beautiful sunny evening. From where we are sitting, we can see what looks like a glacier remnant. I will ask the Ice Observer tomorrow. Our trip is starting to wind down, we are down to single digits. 

Daily Menu, July 19

Daily Menu, July 19

It was a bit on the rough side, so we are staying out of the wind, just idling back and forth On the menu today we have a roast pork belly, which is just whole, uncured bacon. Perogies with a few sides to add variety. 

Daily Menu, July 18

Daily Menu, July 18

Yesterday we went for a little trip. We had an escort to the east, heading to Salluit. We got a chance to see a polar bear. When we were finished with the escort we jogged back to the west. We are currently sitting off Diggs 

Daily Menu, July 17

Daily Menu, July 17

We are still sitting at Anchor in Ivujivik. It blew fairly hard all day. The ice has all blown out of the bay. At this point we are not sure when we leave. Lunch Pea Soup Choice of Salads and Crudite Butter Chicken Mater Aloo 

Daily Menu, July 16

Daily Menu, July 16

We are still at anchor. Weather has been nice. I took a walk around the outer decks of the ship this evening wearing shorts. There are no large pieces of ice, but lots of small pieces drifting around us. Lunch Chicken and Leek Soup Choice 

Daily Menu, July 15

Daily Menu, July 15

We are still at anchor this morning. It is still and beautiful. The landscape is stark, rocky and mostly barren, but very scenic. There is still snow and ice in places on land, but just in shaded hollows and crevices that the sun does not 

Daily Menu, July 14

Daily Menu, July 14

We are back at Ivujivik escorting another ship. It was a beautiful day, so the spatchcock cornish game hen was cooked on the grill outside. The pork for tomorrow’s pulled pork sandwich was in the smoker at 8 am. It was taken out of the 

Daily Menu, July 13

Daily Menu, July 13

We are heading toward Rankin Inlet, on the western side of Hudson Bay. No icebergs, but there is a bit of loose bits floating about. Lunch Curry Lentil Soup Choice of Salads and Crudite Ham Steak and Pineapple rings Chicken Gumbo Steamed Rice Potato and 

Daily Menu, July 12

Daily Menu, July 12

Heading toward Ivujivik for another escort. We have leg of lamb on the menu. I marinated it in lemon, garlic and onions overnight. At 7am, I turned the BBQ on high and brought it to 750F. I place the lamb on the hot grill until 

Daily Menu, July 11

Daily Menu, July 11

We left Akulivik heading north toward the top of Hudson bay. Connections are still very spotty. Second Sunday done and moving along. For the meals today we have an old school Corned beef and cabbage as the big meal of the day. Lunch Mushroom Soup 

Daily Menu, July 10

Daily Menu, July 10

We are currently sitting outside Akulivik, on the eastern side of Hudson Bay waiting for a freighter to finish offloading cargo. Our satellite signal has been hit and miss. I hope to get some recipes up soon. Lunch Curry Squash Soup Choice of Salads and 

Daily Menu, July 9

Daily Menu, July 9

We are in Hudson Bay escorting ships. The ice island we passed yesterday was 3.5 kilometers long. Since then we have just been in open water with pieces of pan ice, nothing exciting. Lunch Chicken Rice Soup Choice of Salads and Crudite Battered Haddock Grilled 

Daily Menu, July 8

Daily Menu, July 8

On Thursday we passed along a piece of Ice that was a couple miles long. The picture posted here was just the tip of it. We are steaming toward Hudson Bay to escort some vessels. Lunch Tomato Basil Soup Choice of Salads and Crudité BBQ 

Daily Menu, July 7

Daily Menu, July 7

Still heading north. Steaming along in open water, nothing near us except for an occasional iceberg. Most of them are on the smaller size. The weather has turned cooler, you can see your breath when you are outside. The night shift tells me that it 

Daily Menu, July 6

Daily Menu, July 6

I watched an iceberg fall apart today. That was very neat, not a sight you see very often. Internet connections will be intermittent for a while. I will post whenever able. Lunch Ham and Pea Soup Soup Choice of Salads and Crudite Chicken Shawarma Beef 

Daily Menu, July 5

Daily Menu, July 5

We passed our first iceberg to last evening. We are progressing up the Labrador coast. Weather is beautiful today 18 F and sunny. Lunch Spicy Thai Vegetable Soup Choice of Salads and Crudite Pan Fried Haddock Crispy Pork in Orange Sauce Vegetable Fried Rice Fried 

Daily Menu, July 4

Daily Menu, July 4

We should be through the Strait of Belle Isle early today. We may lose signal for a while. I will post whenever I get a chance. In the meantime, the seas have been very calm. Most of yesterday the water was like glass, not a 

Daily Menu, July 3

Daily Menu, July 3

So far the weather is good. Rolling just enough to sleep well. Like a baby in a cradle. We should be near the Strait of Belle Isle late today. Hopefully we will see some icebergs on our trip north. Lunch, Vegetable Barley Soup Choice of 

Daily Menu, July 2

Daily Menu, July 2

We have left the harbor so all is good. Today’s menu is the standard fish and chips for lunch. Pretty much the only thing I do on a regular schedule. For dinner we have a dish called Pollo con Fidio, it is basically chicken and 

Daily Menu, July 1

Daily Menu, July 1

Our first full day of this hitch. We are scheduled to let the lines go today to do a compass check. If all goes well we will head north soon. On the menu today for lunch, we have a mushroom stew and a roast of 

Daily Menu, June 30

Daily Menu, June 30

It is that time again. Check in at noon, and we are back at it. Rumor has it we are heading north in the near future. Sure hope I still have my sea legs. It has been a while since I have been in rough 

Daily Menu, June 3

Daily Menu, June 3

There will be no formal menu today. I have provided a picture of my ship for the next 4 weeks. Hopefully it will not leave the dock often. On the other hand, I do hope to use the clubs often. It is the only sport 

Daily Menu, June 2

Daily Menu, June 2

The last wake-up this hitch. There will not be a daily menu post until we get back 28 days from now. Already have Thursday planned, sleep late, mow the lawn, power nap, go golfing, nap. Looks like a full day. Everyone stay safe. Lunch Cream