Chicken Alfredo

Chicken Alfredo

We had this on our menu a few days ago. I made this at the request of one the the crew. Since then I have been asked for the recipe twice.

This recipe is basically a classic béchamel sauce with garlic and parmesan cheese added. A béchamel is one of the mother sauces in French cooking. It is the base for a wide range of sauces. Many béchamel recipes will call for nutmeg, but if you use it be very sparing with it as it will overpower the flavor of the sauce. For this reason I usually omit it from the recipe

Chicken Alfredo

2 cups milk

2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp crushed garlic

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese

3/4 lb chicken breast

Heat the milk. Bring almost to a simmer.

Add the garlic and the salt

In another pan melt the butter, then add the flour. Cook until it forms a roux. Stir constantly until it is cooked through. Slowly add the milk, whisk constantly

When all the milk is added and no lumps remain, taste for salt.

Stir in the parmesan cheese. Set aside

Cut the chicken breast into 1 inch wide strips.

Cook the chicken until just done.

Add the sauce to the chicken, simmer for 10 minutes at low-medium heat.

Stir gently so the chicken retains its’ shape.

Serve with the pasta of your choice