Daily Menu, May 30

Daily Menu, May 30

Only 3 more mornings to wake up on the CCGS Jean Goodwill this hitch. As much as the crew is family while at work, it will be good to get home. After Wednesday, the daily menu will not be a feature for the next 28 days while I am at home. I will be continuing with the daily recipes. If anyone has any requests I will try to help you out


Tomato Florentine Soup

Choice of Salads and Crudité

Roast Pork.

Butter Chicken

Mashed Potatoes

Basmati Rice

Buttered Pan Roasted Asparagus



Tomato Florentine Soup

Choice of Salads and Crudité

Hot Beef Sandwich

Crispy Baked Haddock

Roast Potatoes

Rice Pilaf

Green Peas