Hungarian Goulash

Hungarian Goulash

Hungarian Goulash is a beef stew made with paprika and finished with sour cream. Like many traditional dishes there are many regional variations. I am not Hungarian, so I have no rule to follow, I just try to hit the high points.

I did work with a man whose wife was Hungarian and he insisted that it must have carrots. Ever since then, I use carrots. My preference of paprika is to use smoked paprika. I find it adds a bit of depth to the flavor.

I hope you enjoy.

Hungarian Goulash

1 lb lean diced beef

1 medium onion diced

1 red pepper diced

1 large carrot cut up

3 cloves garlic, crushed

1/4 cup paprika

1 tsp thyme

4 oz roux, (1/4 butter plus 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp flour)

4 oz sour cream

4 cups beef stock

salt to taste

With a small amount of oil place the beef in a pot. Brown the beef at medium heat.

When the beef develops some color add the onion, carrot, pepperrs, garlic, thyme and paprika

Sweat the vegetables for a few minutes. Then add the beef stock.

Simmer until the beef is tender. Remove from the heat and stir in the roux. When the roux is stirred in return to the heat.

Check for salt. Bring back to a simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove from the heat and stir in the the sour cream..

Serve with mashed potatoes and a crusty bread