Random Tips 4

Random Tips 4

A few more tips. Nothing earthshattering, just everyday things.

Random Tips 4

  1. When using curry powder or other similar spice blends toast in a bit of oil. The flavors will spread through the dish more evenly and you will need less spice
  2. When making broth (chicken or beef) based soups a bit of gelatin will make the soup feel fuller in the mouth, if vegetable based broths add a small handful of barley. The starch from the barley will give the soup a silky feel.
  3. I always keep nitrile gloves around the house, for use when I am handling raw meats of dough.
  4. To store foods I use mason jars. They freeze well, and do not take much room in the fridge. My other storage method is poly bags. I keep 6 and 10 lb. bags that serves most of my purposes.