Italian Sausage and Peppers

Italian Sausage and Peppers

This recipe is very simple, but another one of my favorites. The original recipe is probably Mario Batali’s. I saw Mario on television quite while ago and he made something similar to this. I didn’t take notes or write anything down, but I remembered the high points. The high points were, sausage, peppers and tomatoes. Most of the seasoning for the dish will come from the sausages, which is the reason I like to cut the sausages into two pieces. If you leave them whole, prick holes in the sausages with a fork. another optional factor is the heat. You can use sweet Italian, or spicy Italian sausages or you can crushed chili to your taste. To me, raw sausages is the only way to go, because of the juices and flavors that came from the meat in the sausage.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do


1 lb Italian Sausage (raw, uncooked)

1 red bell pepper sliced

1 green bell pepper sliced

1 onion sliced

1 clove garlic crushed

1 19 oz (540ml) can whole tomatoes

1/2 tsp oregano

salt to taste

(crushed chili, optional)


Bring a pan to mediun heat. Pour in enough oil to just cover the bottom.

Add the onions, red, and green peppers, saute for a minute, then add the garlic and oregano.

When the peppers and onion are heated through, hand crush the tomatoes and add the tomatoes and juice to the pan.

Cut the Italian sausages into 2 pieces .When the contents of the pan are simmering add the sausages to the pan.

Check for salt.

Cook for 10 minutes at a mediun low heat.

Serve with pasta